Tax Payment Services – MPN Generation 3 (MPN G3)

Tax Payment Services are available through Internet Banking, Mobile Banking SOL, Firm Banking (Host to Host), and Branches.
For payment of three types of Tax Bills as follows:

  1. Billing DJP (Tax), The first digit in the tax billing code is 0,1,2,3
  2. Billing DJBC (Dirjen Bea Cukai), The first digit in the tax billing code is 4,5,6
  3. Billing DJA (Dirjen Anggaran), The first digit in the tax billing code is 7,8,9

In connection with the implementation of the development of the MPN G3 Service by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with letter number S-159/PB.8/2023 then starting January 24 2024 the following changes apply:

Changes to detailed tax data/data elements of Proof of State Revenue (BPN or tax e-slip) for the DJP Billing type:


  1. DJP Billing payment transactions that were successful before January 24 2024 still use the old BPN/e-slip format (before changes). 

  2. There are no changes to DJBC Billing (Dirjen Bea Cukai)
    Detailed tax data/ Proof of State Revenue data elements (BPN or tax e-slip) remain the same:

  3. There are no changes to DJA Billing (Dirjen Anggaran)
    Detailed tax data/ Proof of State Revenue data elements (BPN or tax e-slip) remain the same: