We always think and act with a focus on customers on the basic of honesty and trust so that we can grow together with them and fully fulfill our corporate social responsibilities to all members of the society.
Trust : We listen to our customers' voice and think and act from their perspective based on our integrity and sincerity.
Differentiated service : We offer products and services that are better than what are expected by customers in a timely manner.
Partnership : With a recognition that our profits come from our customers'profits, we genuinely do our best to help their success
Social contribution : We actively take part in social contribution activities as we understand the importance of CSR.
We strive to attain prosperity for everyone by promoting mutual respect and consideration among Group companies, departments and individuals and thus maximizing organizational cohesiveness. Enhancement of communication: We value and practice open, free communication. Abolition of factionalism: We treat everyone in the organization fairly regardless of their origin and background.
Greater emphasis on communication : We value open and free communication and practice such communication on a daily basis.
Fairness : We treat all members in organization fairly without prejudice or bias.
Teamwork : Everyone cooperates proactively to attain our common goals by carrying their respective role and responsibilities.
Pursuit of the common interest : We seek and collaborate to maximize our common interest through consideration and respect.
We strive to secure differentiated competitiveness that will help us take the lead in future markets by constantly attempting creative approaches instead of resting on our laurels. Creative thinking: We try to think of and practice better ways by breaking ourselves away from stereotypes.
Creative Thinking : We think and act to discover better ways in business by seeing beyond stereotypes and overcoming obstacles.
Innovation : We pursue fundamental transformation instead of seeking stopgap measures.
Competitive Edge : We pursue differentiation from others and utilize it as a competitive edge.
Continuous Improvement : We make improvements continuously without stopping at making a one-off change.
We set challenging goals of becoming the best and move energetically and swiftly with strong commitment and passion to attain this goal. Challenging goals: We set challenging objectives instead of easy ones and seek specific ways to attain them.
Challenging Goals : We set challenging goals and contemplate specific ways to achieve them.
Strong Execution : We put our plans into action with such great energy and persistence that things get done no matter what.
Self-Development : We study and strive to learn constantly in order to become the best in our particular fields.
Overcoming Crisis : When faced with a crisis, we neither fear nor give up but make ceaseless efforts to overcome it.
When faced with a crisis, we neither fear nor give up but make ceaseless efforts to overcome it.
Pride : We are proud that we are a member of Shinhan.
Self-Driven : We induce passion from others with our own passion and take the initiative in everything we do.
Fun : We take the initiative in creating a fun work environment through positive thinking.
Responsibility : We have a clear understanding of and a sense of mission for our work, make our utmost effort and take responsibility for the result.
We respect Individual differences and value having differentiated outcomes
We value being NIMBLE - executing with flexibility and efficiency, never stop learning and keep moving forward
We value doing what is RIGHT for our customer and for the future generations